was the youngest head coach ever to win a Super Bowl when the Steelers won it all in 2008. In addition, his Steelers have now won 3 AFC North Championships in the past 4 years.
Coach Tomlin was a standout football student-athlete at the prestigious College of William and Mary. He shares his thoughts on attaining championship level performance:
"You've got to be good at mastering the core football values. Playing hard. Playing fast. Living in and feeling the urgency of now. I think that's what good teams do. These are some of the things that would be important to me."
When asked about beating the Ravens three times in one season in 2008-2009 season: "I personally don't subscribe to that hocus-pocus. What happened in the other games will have no bearing on the outcome of this game. Each individual performance stands on its own. We're not buying into that."
"In order to be a candidate for a championship caliber team you have to work hard, but within that we have to find a delicate balance of working smart."
"We don't live in our fears, we live in our hopes."
"I tend to attack the challenges that are right in front of me, the ones that I have today."
"Be where you're at."