the author recounts how Bird's high school coach always told him that no matter how hard he was working at his game, there was always someone out there who was working harder. Bird recalls that this motivated him to spend the extra time necessary to develop his skills.
Although it is true that one needs to work hard to improve, keep in mind that the most important aspect of self-improvement is not to work harder than others because merely working harder than others may still not be the best that you can do.
It is far more important to WORK AS HARD AS YOU CAN without comparing yourself to others.
The only comparison that truly matters is YOUR effort versus YOUR potential.
Are you doing the best that you can in all areas of your life? On the practice floor and in games? In the classroom and academically? In your relationships with others?
If you do ALL that YOU can do, as the old saying goes: "Even angels can do no better!"