Sports visualization is one of the big keys to success. Visualizing yourself in successful situations in advance of their actually taking place is an important aspect of mental preparation.
Visualization (mental practice) and simulated practice works in many areas of life. For example, many professionals rehearse mentally what they're supposed to do before they do it. Once they have a mental picture, they then go through actual simulated practices. After visualizing the right way to perform their skills, pilots train in simulators, medical professionals practice on dummies, and lawyers rehearse in empty courtrooms.
Always first the mental rehearsal, then the simulated practice and, finally, the actual performance.
You should "play the game" SUCCESSFULLY in your mind before ever stepping on the floor for practice or a game. If you haven't tried this before, it's never too late. Visualize success and you will be successful.
Success comes to those who are most prepared!
Think positive and expect positive results!
Victory favors the prepared mind!