Kobe Bryant taught the players the importance of having offensive combination moves. In other words, a variety of moves along with counter moves and counter moves to the counter moves.
For example, a shot fake, one dribble pull-up jumper to the right, then a fake and step in the same direction only to pull back and make the move to the other direction. Kobe’s point is that a player needs to practice moves and combinations to the extent that they become natural in the game.
How does Kobe do it? Preparation, focus, and a drive like no other athlete. Do you know that Kobe Bryant does not move on to the next combination move/shot until he has made 150 shots…IN A ROW?!
It is incredible to think that someone will work to make that many shots in a row for just one move let alone doing it repeatedly in an entire workout of combination moves. This takes extreme focus and drive. And points to the type of commitment that makes Kobe the best current player on the planet.
Being successful is not about the talent that you possess; rather, it’s about what you do with that talent. What are you doing with yours?
Learn from the most accomplished players what it takes to be successful and apply those lessons to everything you do, whether on the court or in the classroom.
“Commitment – Responsibility – Work”