"It is a reflection of Coach Petersen's trust in his players, and of the program's barebones budget, that the Broncos sleep in their own beds on the night before home games rather than bus to a nearby hotel, as is customary with I-A power programs (Boise State's football budget of $5.4 million is one sixth of the $32.3 million that Ohio State spends on its program).
Besides the fact that Boise seems to have very committed and dedicated student-athletes who can be trusted to get their rest the night before a game, here's the point.
Boise's athletes and coaches ARE MORE with less. You know how we always talk about "be more?" That's precisely what's going on here.
Boise's smaller budget and limited resources aren't what matters. They're NOT obstacles to BEING MORE. Boise is one of the nation's most successful football programs over the past decade.
What does matter is what you do with what you have. Some day you may be a lawyer in a small firm with limited resources, the owner of a low budget business, etc. That doesn't mean that you cannot be EXCELLENT at what you do.
EXCELLENCE is about your frame of mind and work ethic, and not about what you have!
"Be more!"